Stanly County Public Library

Table of Contents:


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The Albemarle Woman’s Club began a library in 1915 that was presented to the town of Albemarle in 1916. It became the Stanly County Public Library on July 1, 1927, and was housed in the Albemarle Hotel. In 1939, the library was moved to a new county building adjacent to the courthouse. The library now consists of a main library, four branch libraries, extension services provided by a library van, and a web site for electronic access to library resources.

The library has been a department of Stanly County Government since 1975 and is governed by the Board of Commissioners. The Library Board of Trustees is an advisory board appointed by the Commissioners to represent various geographical areas of the county. In addition, there is an active Friends of the Library organization which provides volunteers, funds and support for library activities.

The Friends of the Stanly County Public Library was formed in 1992 as a non-profit organization to provide support for the Stanly County Public Library. Friends promote public support and use of the library, inform members and the public of issues affecting the library, assist the library in increasing literacy in Stanly County, and sponsor special events such as author events and workshops, two book sales per year and library programs such as the Children’s Summer Reading Program and the Adult Reading Program.

Library’s Vision for Stanly County

Stanly County embraces change, enjoys on-going economic prosperity, and is the home of knowledgeable and engaged people who enjoy a lifetime of personal and professional enrichment.

Library Mission Statement

To deliver a high rate of return on public and private investment by:

  1. Providing a Wide Array of Knowledge Resources
  2. Promoting the Joy of Reading
  3. Encouraging Life-Long Learning
  4. Serving as a Center for Community Interaction

Thereby measurably contributing to the economy of Stanly County and the lives of its people.


Albemarle Main Library

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133 East Main Street,
Albemarle NC 28001

Monday 9 AM – 7 PM
Tuesday 9 AM – 7 PM
Wednesday 9 AM – 7 PM
Thursday 9 AM – 7 PM
Friday 9 AM – 5 PM
Saturday 9 AM – 1 PM
Sunday Closed

Badin Branch Library

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62 Pine St
Badin, NC 28009

Monday 3 PM – 7 PM
Tuesday 10 AM – 2 PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 3 PM – 7 PM
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

History Center

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157 North 2nd Street
Albemarle NC 28001

Monday 9 AM – 5 PM
Tuesday 9 AM – 5 PM
Wednesday 9 AM – 5 PM
Thursday 9 AM – 5 PM
Friday 9 AM – 5 PM
Last Sat. of Month 9 AM – 1 PM
Other Saturdays in Month Closed

Locust Branch Library

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186 Ray Kennedy Drive
PO Box 400
Locust NC 28097

Monday 9 AM – 7 PM
Tuesday 1 PM – 7 PM
Wednesday 9 AM – 7 PM
Thursday 9 AM – 7 PM
Friday 9 AM – 5 PM
Saturday 9 AM – 1 PM
Sunday Closed

Norwood Branch Library

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207 Pee Dee Ave
Norwood, NC 28128

Monday 1 PM – 7 PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 1 PM – 7 PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9 AM – 1 PM
Saturday 9 AM – 1 PM

Oakboro Branch Library

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214 S Main St
Oakboro, NC 28129

Monday 1 PM – 7 PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 1 PM – 7 PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9 AM – 1 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

New Patron Brochure

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Please click here for a copy of the new patron brochure.

Fees & Fines

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Common Fees

Prints:  $.10 per page (black & white only)

Photocopies: $.10 per page (black & white only)

Materials Late Fees






21 Days

$ .20 per day

$ 10.00

Books on Tape

21 Days

$ .20 per day

$ 10.00

Hooked on Phonics

21 Days

$ .20 per day

$ 10.00


21 Days

$ .20 per day

$ 10.00

Audio/Visual Equipment


$ 1.00 per day

$ 50.00

Inter-Library Loan


$ 1.00 per day

$ 50.00




Out of County Card

$35.00 Individual per year

$50.00 Family per year

Lost Library Card

$ 2.00 per card

Temporary Library Card (Temporary resident; good for six months

No charge unless Out of County Fee applies

Printing Fee

$ 0.10 per page

Meeting Room Rentals (non-refundable)  $25 for all groups for 4 hours


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The power of your library, online!

NC LIVE gives you free access to ebooks, audiobooks, videos, online magazines, newspapers, journals, and more.

Test Proctoring

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Please call 704-986-3759 for more information.

Genealogy & Heritage Room

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Now located at the Stanly County History Center at 157 2nd Street, Albemarle NC.

Margaret Johnston Heritage Room
The Margaret Johnston Heritage Room, located in the Stanly County History Center on 157 2nd Street in Albemarle, is one of the best collections of genealogy and North Carolina history in the region. It draws family researchers from across the country, and most gain new knowledge and insights through their findings in the Heritage Room. If your genealogical quest leads you to Stanly County, we will do our best to help you discover something about your Stanly ancestors.

Holdings include works on military history, a wide array of genealogical society journals, periodicals, census records, passenger lists, city directories, maps, cemetery records and more. The Heritage Room owns microfilm of local newspapers from as far back as the late 1800s, and contains a large number of files covering many local families, churches, and institutions.

In addition to North Carolina genealogy and history, the Heritage Room also has an impressive collection of Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina sources, plus some Georgia, Tennessee, and Kentucky sources.

Please submit your questions or comments about the Stanly County History Center to Margaret Johnston Heritage Room either via e-mail or by post to the Stanly County History Center, 157 2nd Street, Albemarle, North Carolina, 28001.

Ancestry Library Edition
With more than 2 billion names in over 4,000 databases, Ancestry Library Edition provides patrons with instant access to a wide range of resources for genealogical and historical research. Includes records from the United States Census; military records; court, land and probate records; church records; directories and more.

Ancestry can only be accessed from Internet computers located in the library or the Stanly County History Center. To access Ancestry Library Edition, visit any of our five library locations or the History Center and go to

We now offer access to, which is an online repository of historical newspapers in North Carolina. This resource may be valuable in any historical research or genealogical ventures.

Heritage Quest
With over 25,000 family and local history resources, the entire U.S. Federal Census from 1790 through 1930, and other expanding collections, HeritageQuest Online is designed specifically for patrons in public libraries who are either just beginning their family research or who — even after years of work — are still uncovering their past.

A valid Stanly County Public Library card is all you need to access Heritage Quest from home.

Additional Resources

The Stanly County Historical Society is a valuable resource in the community and has a website located at the following URL:


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How do I get on a computer?
You may log onto any unused computer without making a reservation. If all computers are busy, you may ask the staff to reserve the next available computer or make a reservation for later that day.

Do I need a library card to use the computer?
A qualified yes (see below). Residents of Stanly County must have a library card in order to use the computers. Those with a library card in good standing (e.g., less than $5.00 owed) may log on one of our public computers with the library card barcode number and PIN.

I have a library card but I don’t have it with me. Can you look up my number?
No. As with other library services, you must have your library card in hand.

I don’t have a library card. Can I still use a computer?
Again, a qualified yes:

  • Stanly County residents must have an SCPL card in good standing to use the computers; if you live in Stanly County but do not have a library card, one can be issued to you within minutes at the Circulation Desk.
  • Guest Passes are provided for out-of-county visitors to our library who can present valid identification that includes a photo and current address (e.g., driver’s license or state ID card). Other Guest Passes may be issued at the discretion of the librarian on duty.

More information about the library’s computers is listed in the links in the right-hand menu.


Meeting Room

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The Stanly County Public Library offers a large meeting room on the first floor of the building for public use. It is $20 for all groups. Please read the policy before calling 704-986-3755 to set up a reservation.

Meeting Room Policy, 2020 update.


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Printers and Copiers

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Copies and pages sent to the printer from the library’s computers are .10 each.

We do not have a FAX machine.

We do not have a scanner.

Government and Legal

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Voter Registration

IRS Tax Forms and Publications

North Carolina Tax Forms

Stanly County Courts – District 20A

Stanly County Register of Deeds


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Donations and Gifts

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As of 8/26/2021, we are accepting donations.

Materials Donations

The Stanly County Public Library in Albemarle accepts materials that are clean and in good condition: books, DVDs, CDs, audio books, video games, software, LP records, and other like materials.  We accept donations Monday – Friday from 9-5.  Please deliver materials to the 3rd Street bay door and ring the buzzer for assistance.  We can provide a tax receipt for your donation, but you must count the items before delivery.

Items that are not chosen to be added to our collection will be sold to the public during one of the two annual book sales hosted by the Friends of the Library Association.  Funds raised through though these book sales raise money to benefit the library and the Stanly County community in many ways.  With these funds, we purchased our courier van that enables us to share materials across the county’s library branches.  Our children’s summer reading program is funded through these donations. as well as our eBook subscriptions.

Monetary Donations

If you would like to donate a monetary gift to the library, we accept cash, checks, and credit cards.  You may contribute your monetary donation at the circulation desk during business hours or mail a check to the library.  Please clearly state that your gift is a donation.

Official Policy

The Stanly County Public Library appreciates the many gifts which are donated each year.

The Library accepts gifts and donations with the following conditions:

  1. The Library accepts gifts of materials, but reserves the right to evaluate and dispose of them in accordance with the criteria applied to purchased materials. Materials may be disposed of without notifying the donor if later examination indicates that the library cannot use it.
  2. Gifts of a more specific nature, such as works of art, furniture, equipment, special collections and real property, shall be referred to the Library Director for acceptance in consultation with the Board of Trustees. When funds are donated for specific purposes, the amount and nature of the expenditure must be approved in advance if not in accordance with the Library’s current programs and policies.
  3. Any gift accepted by the Library is subject to the following two conditions:
    1. The Library retains unconditional ownership of the gift; and
    2. The Library makes the final decision on the use of the gift or any disposition of the gift.
  4. Requests to have materials housed temporarily in the library, i. e. materials that are not outright gifts, will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Generally speaking, such requests will not be honored unless their benefit to the community as determined by the Library Director outweighs the extraordinary administrative procedures required to service them and they cannot be reasonably made available to the community through any other source.

Library Board of Trustees

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The SCPL Board of Trustees meet the 2nd Wednesday of the month (from August – May) at 12:30 PM at the Albemarle Library Meeting Room.

2024 Board of Trustee Members

Ted Kalamatas, Chair

Stephanie Brown, Vice-Chair

Nancy Deeck

Anissa Enamait

Shirley Hatley

Kim Marshall

Brandon King, Commissioner Liaison

Sara Hahn, Library Director

Friends of the Library

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he Friends of the Stanly County Public Library was formed in 1992 as a non-profit organization to provide support for the Stanly County Public Library. The Friends provide the following services:

  • Promote literacy by sponsoring author events
  • Hold 2 book sales a year
  • Operate a permanent Friends of the SCPL book sale space
  • Support children and young adult by funding the Summer Reading Program and the Battle of the Books
  • Provide non-budgeted items, special materials, and electronic resources
  • Sponsor a mini-grant program open to all branches
  • Maintain 4 Little Free Libraries
  • Provide library staff appreciation
  • Volunteer time and energy

The Friends organization is governed by a 15 member board of directors elected annually by the membership. The Board meets monthly (except June and July) usually on the first Tuesday of the month at 5:00 PM in the meeting room of the main library to review Friends goals, projects and finances.

The 2024 officers are:

  • President – Carol Sasser
  • Vice-President – Glendel Huneycutt
  • Secretary – Karen Conner
  • Treasurer – Tim Hatley
  • Directors:
    • Ray Allen
    • Stephanie Brown
    • Suzanne Huneycutt
    • Barbara Klein
    • Ruth Moose
    • Lena Olsen
    • Robbie Pleasant
    • Bryan Sharp
    • Chaundra Snuggs
    • Patti Smith
    • Debbie Williams
  • Sara Hahn, Ex-Officio

Friends members receive the following benefits :

  • First access to book sales
  • Special invitations and price breaks on author events
  • Opportunity to volunteer for friends activities

Contact the Friends at [email protected] or like us on Facebook at Friends of the Stanly Co. Public Library.

To join the Friends, return the completed Friends of Stanly County Library – Application for Membership to the library or join online at the link below:

Below is a map showing the location of the Little Free Libraries in Stanly County that the Friends of the Library help maintain.

If you are interested in becoming a board member of the Friends of the Stanly County Public Library, please fill out the form below: