As of 8/26/2021, we are accepting donations.
Materials Donations
The Stanly County Public Library in Albemarle accepts materials that are clean and in good condition: books, DVDs, CDs, audio books, video games, software, LP records, and other like materials. We accept donations Monday – Friday from 9-5. Please deliver materials to the 3rd Street bay door and ring the buzzer for assistance. We can provide a tax receipt for your donation, but you must count the items before delivery.
Items that are not chosen to be added to our collection will be sold to the public during one of the two annual book sales hosted by the Friends of the Library Association. Funds raised through though these book sales raise money to benefit the library and the Stanly County community in many ways. With these funds, we purchased our courier van that enables us to share materials across the county’s library branches. Our children’s summer reading program is funded through these donations. as well as our eBook subscriptions.
Monetary Donations
If you would like to donate a monetary gift to the library, we accept cash, checks, and credit cards. You may contribute your monetary donation at the circulation desk during business hours or mail a check to the library. Please clearly state that your gift is a donation.
Official Policy
The Stanly County Public Library appreciates the many gifts which are donated each year.
The Library accepts gifts and donations with the following conditions:
- The Library accepts gifts of materials, but reserves the right to evaluate and dispose of them in accordance with the criteria applied to purchased materials. Materials may be disposed of without notifying the donor if later examination indicates that the library cannot use it.
- Gifts of a more specific nature, such as works of art, furniture, equipment, special collections and real property, shall be referred to the Library Director for acceptance in consultation with the Board of Trustees. When funds are donated for specific purposes, the amount and nature of the expenditure must be approved in advance if not in accordance with the Library’s current programs and policies.
- Any gift accepted by the Library is subject to the following two conditions:
- The Library retains unconditional ownership of the gift; and
- The Library makes the final decision on the use of the gift or any disposition of the gift.
- Requests to have materials housed temporarily in the library, i. e. materials that are not outright gifts, will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Generally speaking, such requests will not be honored unless their benefit to the community as determined by the Library Director outweighs the extraordinary administrative procedures required to service them and they cannot be reasonably made available to the community through any other source.